Young Scientists as Change Explorers

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Project Sample: Living on the edge of a volcano"

This zip file contains:

  • An overview of the sample project "Living on the edge of a volcano" (Italy),
  • The instructions for completing the sample project "Living on the edge of a volcano" (Example Etna),
  • The instructions for completing the sample project "Living on the edge of a volcano" (Example Vesuvius).

Project description

The course “Living on the edge of a volcano” mainly focusses on human-environment-interactions at a volcanic landscape. The Italian volcanoes Etna and Vesuvius are both implemented in the everyday-life of the population, but both locations show differ-ences in their land-use structures. Students investigate those differences by using satellite data. They assess implications for people liv-ing close to these volcanoes as well as discuss potential conflicts between the local environ-ment and the inhabitants of these regions.