Young Scientists as Change Explorers

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Results for "Germany"



  • Martin Hämmerle (Banned)

    Project Sample: Lignite Mining in the Rhineland (Germany)

    ..."Lignite Mining in the Rhineland" (Germany), The instructions for comp..."Lignite Mining in the Rhineland" (Germany; base year 2011), The instr..."Lignite Mining in the Rhineland" (Germany; base year 1992) Project...


  • Martin Hämmerle (Banned)

    Project Sample: Lignite Mining in the Rhineland (Germany)

    This zip file contains An overview of the sample project "Lignite Mining in the Rhineland" (Germany), The instructions for completing the sample project "Lignite Mining in the Rhineland" (Germany; base year 2011), The instructions for completing the sample project &q...

    Tags: student sample project, resources, Germany, English