Young Scientists as Change Explorers

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Results for "classification"


    • Birkbeck


      About me: ...Maryland's Martin 'Malley (D) and Virginia's Bob Mc - Donnell (R) to launch the state-based efforts. The State Department is disputing the classification of these messages. In coming...


    • Josef Laštovička (Banned)

      Zábor zemědělské půdy v okolí aglomerace Prahy

      V rámci této práce se zaměřujeme na vliv člověka z pohledu úbytku zemědělsky obhospodařovaných ploch. Konkrétně se zaměřme na oblast Prahy, která se nachází v samotném srdci střední Evropy.  Město Praha, kter&e...

      Tags: Prague, agricultural land, NDVI, classification, RGB

    • Josef Laštovička (Banned)

      The use of agricultural land in the vicinity of Prague agglomeration

      In this work, we focus on human influence from the point of view of the decline of agri-managed areas. Specifically, we will focus on the area of Prague, which is located in the very heart of Central Europe. The city of Prague, which is very often visited by tourists around the world, has un...

      Tags: Prague, agricultural land, NDVI, classification, RGB

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