Young Scientists as Change Explorers

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Disturbance of Forest Ecosystems in the High Tatras

 The following part of this course deals with the BLIF2 web application that allows you to work with satellite data. The

High Tatras are among the most important mountain regions of Slovakia. The mountains were formed during the alpine

horticulture process at the end of the Mesozoic and the beginning of the Tertiary. It represents a massive vault pointing

to the center of Slovakia in the east-west direction about 70 kilometers. The average width of this mountain reaches

30 kilometers, the highest height on the top of Gerlachovský Š tít - 2654 meters above sea level. At present, many areas

are under pressure from bark beetle calamities, which very often precede the previous disturbance, such as wind

calamity. Let's look at how these calamities can be localized using sattelite images data with Remote Sensing methods.