The following part of this course deals with the BLIF2 web application that allows you to work with satellite data. The
High Tatras are among the most important mountain regions of Slovakia. The mountains were formed during the...
In this work, we focus on the restoration of forests in the Jizera Mountains. Your task is to observe this area in two frames from different periods and to compare the development of this site in terms of mining, development, changes in agriculture...
V rámci této práce se zaměřujeme na obnovování lesů v oblasti Jizerských Hor. Vaším úkolem je pozorovat tuto oblast na dvou snímcích z různých období a na...
V rámci této práce se zaměřujeme na vliv člověka z pohledu úbytku zemědělsky obhospodařovaných ploch. Konkrétně se zaměřme na oblast Prahy, která se nachází v samotném srdci...
In this work, we focus on human influence from the point of view of the decline of agri-managed areas. Specifically, we will focus on the area of Prague, which is located in the very heart of Central Europe. The city of Prague, which is very...
In this work, we focus on the restoration of forests in the Jizera Mountains. Your task is to observe this area in two frames from different periods and to compare the development of this site in terms of mining, development, changes in agriculture...
V rámci této práce se zaměřujeme na obnovování lesů v oblasti Jizerských Hor. Vaším úkolem je pozorovat tuto oblast na dvou snímcích z různých období a na...
V rámci této práce se zaměřujeme na vliv člověka z pohledu úbytku zemědělsky obhospodařovaných ploch. Konkrétně se zaměřme na oblast Prahy, která se nachází v samotném srdci...
In this work, we focus on human influence from the point of view of the decline of agri-managed areas. Specifically, we will focus on the area of Prague, which is located in the very heart of Central Europe. The city of Prague, which is very...